Thursday, January 24, 2008

Correction to Lab 0:Blog

It was brought to my attention last night that the write-up for the blog set-up refers to the class blog address as when in fact it is

If you simply switch out the web addresses, you'll link to "our" class....not one from last Fall!

(If you're curious to see what the undergrad students did in the Intro Cartography class, go to the geog310 page and click on the names in the table on the left to pull up their personal class blogs).


Krystal said...

Your new layout looks awesome! You misspelled my name...use "K" not "C." Most people make that mistake. See you tomorrow.

Emily said...

Hi there, in the syllabus Labs section, you state that you'll introduce new labs each Tuesday. Is this an error since class is on Wednesday, or should we look to your blog for assignments? Thanks.

Jill Hallden said...

Good question, Emily! I have had a Tuesday night class for at least 5 semesters so I don't even flinch when I see that day. But, yes, I messed up. We meet on Wed(!) and all our work and labs focus on that day. Thanks for asking.

Same sorta glitch with the classroom number (330 not 320)....(sigh)